

Life is funny, the way it pivots on invisible hinges. We take note of the obvious moments: marriages, births, deaths, but we seem to almost ignore the moments that mark us forever, that change the path we travel, that alter our very personalities. It is only later that we turn around, we look back with the perfect clarity that hindsight allows, and we say to ourselves, "Oh, so that's when it happened."


Plan C

"What you missed is a wonderful opportunity that you will never again get from me or anyone else. You treat me like a fragile glass ikon and then almost immediately, brush me off like yesterday's table crumbs. For once in your miserable inexperienced life, you can be honest enough to admit that what you did was pathetic and amateurish. I'm through with you and I'm through being in your control."

She then stood up and left him standing there like an idiot who didn't know what had happened.

I like that woman. I should get tips from her.